It's all come crashing down in Erik's work life, so Gabe helps Erik rethink his system for Getting Things Done. Along the way, they share their different perspectives and talk about how they handle multiple family members and multiple areas of responsibility. Finally, Gabe and Erik dig into a few major apps, hierarchy, tags, start dates and all sorts of other fiddly productivity topics that are a whole lot more interesting than actual work.
Show notes
- About GTD
- Getting Things Done
- OmniFocus
- Pivotal Tracker
- Zendesk
- Reminders
- Evernote
- Things
- Outlook
- Spootnik
- Todo Pro
- Basecamp
- [CRM-114](
- Creating Flow with OmniFocus
- OmniPlan
- Emergent Task Planner
- Remember The Milk
- Pocket Informant
- WorkFlowy
- Emacs Org mode