This week Gabe and Erik geek out about blogging platforms with Bob VanderClay. They discuss Blogging-as-a-Service (BaaS) vs. self-hosted blogging, then explore the advantages and disadvantages of static, dynamic, and hybrid blogging engines. Along the way, they touch upon a number of related topics including templating languages, commenting, writing tools, hosting providers, and backups.
We’d like to thank Macminicolo for sponsoring this episode of Generational.
Show notes
- Switch
- high90
- Frontpage
- Dreamweaver
- Flash
- Takitapart
- ColdFusion
- node.js
- Amazon S3
- Tumblr
- Hosted Wordpress
- Self-Hosted Wordpress
- April 2013 Wordpress Attack
- Squarespace
- Blogger
- Movable Type
- Apache Software Foundation
- Pelican
- Jekyll
- Octopress
- Ruhoh
- Dropbox
- site44
- Statamic
- Jinja
- Mustache
- Handlebars
- Hogan
- Eco
- Jade
- Docpad
- Sass
- Compass
- Organizing Docpad
- Ace
- Prose
- Github
- Disqus
- Akismet
- And Now it’s All This (Dr. Drang)
- Asymco
- App.net
- Tent
- Sublime Text
- Poster
- Textastic
- Diet Coda
- Hazel
- AppFog
- Heroku
- Hosting Statamic on AppFog
- Nodejitsu
- MediaWiki
- Sean Korzdorfer’s Open Notebook
- VoodooPad
- Amazon EC2
- WebFaction
- Pingdom
- Squarespace Blog - Hurricane Sandy Update
- TextExpander
- FTP On The Go
- iSSH
- Prompt
- MarsEdit
- Jonathan Poritsky
- TextMate 2
- Drupal
- Zendesk
- Checkvist
- Mozilla Bespin
- SubEthaEdit